Thursday, September 18, 2008


We found many interesting facts throughout the experiments. Through our tests, my partner and I drew many conclusions based on the data gathered throughout the experiments and use of the scientific method. We found the Isopods preferences of dark over light, motion over inactivity, moisture over dry environment as well as many other interesting conclusions.

· I learned why Isopods prefer to settle down under rocks and wood and under other large surfaces.
· I learned why I found many of my Isopods near the streams and rivers as well as other moist surroundings.
· I learned that there are two different types of Isopods, Oniscus and Armadillidion.
· I learned that Isopods share a complex organization with the rest of God’s creation.
· I learned that Isopods have definite preferences in their environment.
· I learned to gather sufficient data before making rash assumptions or conclusions.
· I learned the steps of the scientific method and how to use them for an advantage
· I learned that to find Isopods, you need to understand their environment.
· I learned that group work plays a huge part of your success in science and in life.
· I learned that every part of God’s creation is great, big or small.

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